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Curl Squad Studs are tested, reliable & proven.

They also have style, brains & a whole lot of heart.

The ladies love them and it shows with the increasing number of special puppies that are lucky enough to call them Dad.

** Please note, we do not post photos or links to our dogs health testing online, other than Embark DNA link, due to scammers stealing them and photoshopping personal info to meet their needs. If you would like to see any of our dogs health testing reports feel free to email us and I will gladly send results to approved individuals. **

Standard poodle puppies available merle phantom tweed stud poodle doodle arizona utah semen

Epic is Owned by

the Curl Squad


Swayze is Owned by

the Curl Squad

Curl Squad Puppies - Poodle Puppies - SetterDoodle Puppies - Available Puppies - Irishdoodle Puppies - EnglishDoodle Puppies - Dog Training - Therapy Dog Training - Service Dog Training - Puppy Support - Puppy Curriculum - Buy A Service Dog - Train Your Service Dog - Service Dog Donation - CGC Classes - Standard Poodle Puppies - Merle Poodles - Training Tips - Facility Dogs - Planned Litters - Meet the Breeder - I Want A Puppy - Guardian Home - Poodle Stud Arizona - Poodle Stud Utah

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