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Available Puppies

ALL OF OUR CHRISTMAS PUPPIES HAVE FOUND HOMES! We are still looking for Guardian Homes and have 2 incredible, well trained Squad Dogs that could go home for Christmas for NO FEE! SEE BELOW! We hope to have an incredible 2025 with many litters of Irishdoodles and Poodles planned. Pick spots are going fast! Fill out an application to claim your spot soon if you would like a puppy from us in 2025.

We are located in Mapleton, Utah. We help fly puppies all over the US and Canada! Talk to me about getting your dream puppy to you!
Male - 1 YEAR Old
AKC Standard Poodle - 45lbs 22"
$0 Fee
AZ & UT Families May Apply
Looking for a GUARDIAN HOME for our sweet Stud boy Guy. He is the biggest snuggler and wants to give love constantly. He is a calm, more submissive temperament, he doesn't want to be the boss, he just wants to please. He does very well with other dogs, even intact studs. He is loving with children and men but prefers women to be his person. Needs to be in a home with no intact female dogs. He is well behaved in the house as well as on leash in public. Would be open to a Service Dog or Facility/Therapy Dog opportunity with him. He is insanely sweet!
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