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Coming Soon

Irish Setter:

25-27" tall


12-15 years life expectancy.

Extremely affectionate to family & strangers.

Amazing with young kids

Great with other dogs.

Soft coat with mild shedding & grooming needs.

Playful and energetic.

Intelligent & eager to please and train.

Can be vocal with higher than normal energy and mental stimulation needs



English Setter:

23-27" tall

45-80 lbs

12 years life expectancy.

Extremely affectionate to family & strangers.

Amazing with young kids

Great with other dogs.

Soft coat with mild shedding & grooming needs.

Playful and energetic.

Intelligent & eager to please and train.

Can be vocal with medium energy and mental stimulation needs. 




English Spaniel:

19-22" tall

40-60 lbs

12 -14 years life expectancy.

Extremely affectionate to family & good with strangers.

Good with young kids

Great with other dogs.

Soft coat with low - mild shedding & grooming needs.

Playful and adaptable.

Intelligent & eager to please and train.

lower vocal with medium energy and mental stimulation needs. 




Standard Poodle

15-27" tall

40-70 lbs

10-18 years life expectancy.

Extremely affectionate to family & strangers.

Extremely amazing with young kids

Good with other dogs.

Curly coat with very low shedding & high grooming needs.

Playful, protective with mild energetic.

Extremely intelligent & eager to please and train.

Can be vocal with medium energy and high mental stimulation needs. 




Curl Squad Puppies - Poodle Puppies - SetterDoodle Puppies - Available Puppies - Irishdoodle Puppies - EnglishDoodle Puppies - Dog Training - Therapy Dog Training - Service Dog Training - Puppy Support - Puppy Curriculum - Buy A Service Dog - Train Your Service Dog - Service Dog Donation - CGC Classes - Standard Poodle Puppies - Merle Poodles - Training Tips - Facility Dogs - Planned Litters - Meet the Breeder - I Want A Puppy - Guardian Home - Poodle Stud Arizona - Poodle Stud Utah

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